"I as a craftsman prefer to tell little...
there is more power in telling little than in telling all."
(Mark Rothko, 1958)
This quote fits perfectly to me, my work and to my first blog post.
When it comes to present me and my work I am usually shy.
I really don't like to speak so much and promote myself.
I prefer that my work speaks for itself.
Many people who saw my scarves told me that they look like paintings of Rothko.
Mark Rothko was a great artist and it's really a nice compliment.
I like the idea to take him as an example and as unconscious inspiration.
This painting is called "Green over Blue", it's from 1956 and it's my favourite.
The blue scarf instead is the first one I consider to be a scarf of my new label Bmyscarf.
photo by Simone U.